rib spacing meaning in Chinese
- Because they are two - - way ribbed and with re1ative1y smal1 rib spacing , reinforced concrete waff1 e s1abs exhi b it higher st if fness and smaller deflections and behave we11 under 1oads . because of their architectura1 benefits for 1ower structura1 height and l ight weight as we1l as economic benefits , they are best suited for 1arge span structures as wel1 as tal1 bui1dings
钢筋混凝土双向密肋楼盖由于两向带肋,肋间距较小,因此不但受力性能好,而且刚度大,整体性好,变形小,结构自身高度小,材料省,自重轻,经济性好,特别适合于在跨度较大的多层和高层建筑楼盖中采用。 - 4 . as for the design of this kind of structure mentioned above , the thesis " ana1yzed " systematica1ly the inf1uence of the over1ay of the two - - way reinforcement on its u1timate . 1oad capacity , the deciding of such important factors as the depth - - span ratio and the rib spacing etc